Happy New Year! Topic: Resolutions
Happy New Year! It’s my first blog post of 2021! Yay!
Today I want to talk about New Year’s resolutions. Personally, I really like making resolutions and I do try to achieve them throughout the year. So long as you make your resolutions fairly reasonable, it’s possible to achieve them. Full Disclaimer: I’ve never once achieved ALL my New Years resolutions for a year (but I also don’t think that’s the point).
As I see it, the purpose of New Year’s Resolutions is to give you an overall something to strive for during the year.
For 2020, my resolutions were fairly reasonable at the start. I had wanted to read more, write more music, reach my goal weight, finish my book, and become a “full time” actress even if I still needed a day job. This was reasonable at the start because in January 2020, I was taking the L-line to get into Manhattan and, with delays that sometimes could last up to an hour, I’d just sit there and read. Also at that time, I had a minimum wage job that was fairly flexible, so I was able to fit a workout and a songwriting session into my schedule almost every day. I was also almost done with my book and going through the rigorous Atlantic Evening Conservatory.
Then…Covid happened.
Now I don’t want to blame Covid for everything, but I went back home to Seattle for four months, hit a depression, and ate a lot. So, come July when I came back to New York, I was starting at a disadvantage and had to work to get myself back to the same place I was at in January, both mentally and physically.
Thankfully, I do think I pulled through. Even though I didn’t necessarily read *more* than last year, my passion for reading was re-ignited so I count that as an achievement. I finished my book, so that’s an achievement, I started recording a single that will be coming out in early 2021 (and I’m so excited for it!) so that’s another thing to cross off. The only resolutions that I wouldn’t count as achieved would be the weight one and the full-time actress one. That’s ok. Those were directly impacted by Covid so I won’t be lingering on it.
Now, for 2021 Resolutions.
This year, I’m trying a new way to do resolutions. I’ve chosen four “visions” for myself, and underneath them listed action items that I can do to reach those visions. They are subjective so, at the end of the year, I can take a reasonable look at what I’ve done in the year and accurately judge it. The idea is that, even if I don’t actually achieve the thing, if I did my absolute best, then that’s all I could do and that’s not a failure.
So, what are my 2021 visions? I won’t be revealing them till next year ;)
Happy New Year!
xx Selma